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About CCEG
The Centre for Citizenship Enterprise and Governance (CCEG) is the world’s leading think tank on the movement of value. Established in the UK with academic networks across Europe, Asia and the Americas, we have developed a vision for a Circular Economy based on Values. Since 2011, our experts have provided financial and non-financial metrics which underpin global legislation and have become internationally recognised as a standard.
The unique feature of the Seratio token (SER) is the ability to capture the financial assets, microshares and provenance of transactions involving people, products, processes, projects and organisations.
London – New York – Shanghai – Chengdu – Kochi – Zug
Social Earning Ratio (S/E) is created by Prof Olinga Taeed
S/E developed and tested at the University of Northampton and through international wiki-university collaboration
Not-for-profit Centre for Citizenship, Enterprise and Governance (CCEG) is founded
Speech at The Vatican who labelled S/E as “the fastest adopted impact metric in the world”, bringing international recognition
Seratio Ltd span out providing SaaS metrics to measure non-financial value supporting laws globally
CCEG announces its block of Total Value Blockchain 3.0 & Proof-of-(…) Metrics publishing 5 whitepapers in total
Internet-of-Value (IoV) Blockchain Alliance of Good (BISGIT) is established and launched at the CCEG Conference at the University of Cambridge
2017 January
Proof-of-Concept Platform Launch
2017 February
CCEG Blockchain UN Lab established
2017 March
Seratio PaaS Architecture developments starts
2017 October
Fundraiser ends
2018 January
Seratio tokens issue to Seratio-Wallets
2018 April
Microshares issue
2018 July
Seratio Ethereum Platform launch
2018 September
Seratio SDG Alt-tokens (Women's Coin, Education Coin, City Coin)
2019 January
Seratio SDG Alt-tokens (Faith Coin, Leadership Coin, Water Coin)
2019 March
Seratio SDG Alt-tokens (Fashion Token, Leather Token, Carers Coin)
2019 July
New Seratio 2-token Platform launch (integrated Microshare blockchain)
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